
Doing God’s will

Monday January 20, 2025
Bob Gass
1 min read

“I delight to do thy will, O my God.” Psalm 40:8

Doing God’s will can be difficult, but it always brings a sense of fulfillment and reward. David experienced resentment from his family, betrayal by his boss, and rejection by his friends. Yet he could say, “I delight to do thy will, O my God.” To fulfill your God-given destiny, you need to be passionate. Passion gives you an advantage every time. One person with passion is more effective than ninety-nine who only have an interest. Passion gives you energy and keeps you going when others quit. Indeed, it keeps you going when you want to quit! Not only will God give you a passion for His will, but you will also discover abilities you didn’t know you had. They may be undeveloped, but they’re there waiting to be tapped. Some of us have inherent abilities, and we know who we are and what to do. Others must work hard to make these discoveries. Your goal should be to waste as little of your life as possible. There is a big difference between having a God-given dream that pushes you to achieve and pulling a concept out of thin air that has no relation to who you are and what you’re called to do. Just as a soldier on the front line must stay in communication with headquarters, you must pray daily and search God’s Word. When you know that you’re doing what God has called you to do, you experience joy in the midst of sorrow, peace in the midst of conflict, and confidence when everything around you is falling apart. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more important than knowing you’re doing the will of God.

The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024

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