
Live in the light (3)

Thursday September 19, 2024
Bob Gass
1 min read

“You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14 NKJV

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world…Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (vv. 14, 16 NKJV). The pastor explained further: “If you are a follower of Christ, you should also be light amidst the darkness. Your job is to let Jesus shine in and through you so that those living in the dark will find the light as well. That’s why it’s not enough just to shine. Light is only useful when it encounters the darkness. The place to shine your light and show your light and and share your light is not inside the church, but outside the church. Jesus tells us to do what He did: go find dark places and start shining…You don’t have to ask people to look at you when you turn on a light in a dark room. Their heads will turn instinctively. (1) You play sports, and you begin praying for and with your teammates. You are a light in the darkness. (2) You live in a neighbourhood filled with unbelievers and begin performing acts of service for others in Jesus’ name. You are a light in the darkness. (3) You are the conspicuous Christian in your office, displaying virtue in an atmosphere of selfishness. You are a light in the darkness. Jesus called us to find people in dark places and to move toward those who need Him. As it turns out, escaping from darkness is as easy as turning on the light.” Remember the children’s song: “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.” That’s what God has called you to do.

The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024

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