
Learning to listen to God (4)

Wednesday April 17, 2024
Bob Gass
1 min read

“It was three years before I went.” Galatians 1:18 MSG

God’s direction will often be followed by a season of preparation. And the length of that season is determined by the size of your assignment. So when God speaks to you, it’s not always wise to rush out and tell people. Who wouldn’t want to talk about the amazing experience Paul had with Christ on the Damascus road? And there would be a right time for Paul to do that – but not yet. So don’t move until God gives you the green light. Why? Two reasons: (1) You need time, maturing, and equipping so that the word you have received can take root within you, grow, and be fulfilled in the way God wants. (2) Sometimes God takes time to prepare the hearts of those He is sending you to. Paul wrote, “Immediately after my calling – without consulting anyone around me and without going up to Jerusalem to confer with those who were apostles long before I was – I got away to Arabia…It was three years before I went up to Jerusalem to compare stories with Peter…Then I began my ministry” (vv. 17-21 MSG). Paul knew people would find his calling unbelievable, and he had the wisdom to wait. He allowed God to go ahead of him and orchestrate the circumstances. And while he was waiting, he allowed the word he had received to grow and make changes in his life. Then, and only then, did he start doing what he was called to do. Paul didn’t try to convince anybody; he let God do that. And the end result? “Their response was to recognize and worship God because of me!” (v. 24 MSG).

The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024

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