
Learning to listen to God (3)

Tuesday April 16, 2024
Bob Gass
1 min read

“Christ’s anointing teaches you the truth on everything you need to know about yourself and him.” 1 John 2:27 MSG

When you pray diligently and believe you have heard from God, but then you start asking other people what they think, you’re honouring their opinions above God’s. That kind of mindset will prevent you from developing a relationship where you constantly hear from Him. You need to trust Him. If you have made bad decisions in the past, this can be difficult. But you must learn to listen to God without constantly needing reassurance from others. The Bible says, “The anointing (the sacred appointment, the unction) which you received from Him abides [permanently] in you; [so]…you have no need that anyone should instruct you.…His anointing teaches you concerning everything and is true…so you must abide in (live in, never depart from) Him” (v. 27 AMPC). That doesn’t mean you don’t need teaching and instruction when it comes to understanding God’s Word; it means you have God’s Spirit living inside you and that He will guide and direct you personally. You might have to ask somebody for advice from time to time, but you needn’t constantly go to other people and ask them about decisions you’re making for your life. If you’re ever going to develop the ability to listen to God and be led by His Spirit, you must start making your own decisions – and trust the wisdom God has deposited in your heart. The devil wants you to think you’re not capable of hearing from God. Don’t believe him. The Holy Spirit who dwells inside you will give you confidence, comfort, and counsel for your life. So learn to listen to Him.

The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024

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