
Let’s work together

Monday March 11, 2024
Bob Gass
1 min read

“For we are labourers together with God.” 1 Corinthians 3:9

The Bible says we must love, honour, and work with each other. So why don’t we do it? Ego! We like to think we can do everything ourselves – but that’s not reality! There are no supermen or superwomen. So the question isn’t whether or not you can do everything on your own; it’s how soon are you going to realize you can’t? Philanthropist Andrew Carnegie declared, “It marks a big step in your development when you come to realize that other people can help you do a better job than you could do alone.” After training His disciples for ministry, Jesus sent them out in twos; there were no solo acts! Why? For many reasons: to prevent one another from straying off the path, to hold each other accountable, to encourage one another when the going got tough, to offset a weakness with a corresponding strength. We each have “blind spots,” and we need someone with 20/20 vision in those areas to help us see things the right way. As recorded in Exodus 17, when Moses held up his hands (symbolizing reaching for God’s help), Israel’s armies prevailed against the Amalekites. But when Moses got tired and lowered his hands, the battle went against Israel. What was the solution? “When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone…put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up – one on one side, one on the other – so that his hands remained steady till sunset. So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army” (Exodus 17:12-13 NIV). A couple of questions to think about: Who is holding up your hands? Whose hands are you holding up?

The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024

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