
Five leadership issues you must deal with 

Wednesday November 8, 2023
Bob Gass
1 min read

“Then [Elisha] arose and followed Elijah, and became his servant.” 1 Kings 19:21 NKJV 

To get the job done right, you must surround yourself with the right people. That’s why good leaders are continually on the lookout for good people. But the person you get isn’t always determined by what you want but by who you are. In most instances, you attract people who possess many of the same qualities you do. Not only was Elisha like Elijah, he wanted a double portion of the Spirit that was upon Elijah. Who you are, is who you will attract. It’s possible to go out and recruit people unlike yourself, but it’s crucial to recognize that those who are different from you may not naturally be attracted to you. Furthermore, if you’re not entirely happy with the kind of people you attract, it may be time to improve yourself. You need to be aware of these five tendencies in yourself, and when you see them, deal with them: (1) Pride. Nobody wants to follow someone who thinks they’re better than everyone else. (2) Insecurity. If you’re uncomfortable with who you are, other people will be too. (3) Moodiness. If people never know quite what to expect from you, they stop expecting anything. (4) Perfectionism. People respect the desire for excellence, but they don’t like unrealistic expectations. (5) Cynicism. Others don’t want their parade rained on by someone who sees a black cloud around every silver lining. These five hang-ups are so damaging that if you’re wise, you will surround yourself with people who are willing to point them out and help you become a more effective leader.

The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024

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