
You represent your Father

Thursday March 2, 2023
Bob Gass
1 min read

“His heart went out to him.” Luke 15:20 PHPS

When the father saw his prodigal son, “his heart went out to him.” Jack Graham wrote, “This isn’t a father who can’t wait to punish his sinful son…who has written him off as wasted and worthless. This is a loving, caring father who can’t wait to embrace and welcome him. He runs down the road to meet him…What you see…is a picture of the Father’s love for you…eager…excessive… approachable…abundant.” Max Lucado added, “The tale involves a wealthy father and a willful son [who]…takes his inheritance [to] Las Vegas and…wastes [it] on slot machines and call girls…Broke [and] too proud to go home, he gets a job sweeping…stables at the racetrack. When he finds himself…[eating]…their oats, he realizes enough is enough…Off he goes, rehearsing his repentance speech…But…‘When he was…a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion’ [v. 20 NKJV]…We expect crossed arms…a furrowed brow…a guarded handshake…a stern lecture…Instead [the father said], ‘Bring out the best robe…a ring…sandals…and…the fatted calf’ [vv. 22-23 NKJV].” The ring symbolized delegated authority. The one who wore it carried on business in the name of the one who gave it. Would you have given this prodigal the power of attorney over your matters? Entrusted him with your credit card? When you came to God, you were given authority to conduct business in His name. When you speak truth, you’re His ambassador (see 2 Corinthians 5:20). As you steward finances He gives, you’re His business manager. When you proclaim forgiveness, you’re His priest. He has given you the privilege to do for others what He does for you. Don’t withhold encouragement or affirmation! Speak words that strengthen others. Why? Because you represent your Father!

The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024

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