
Start your day with God

Tuesday February 28, 2023
Bob Gass
1 min read

“My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord.” Psalm 5:3 NKJV

Develop the habit of starting each day with God. When you do, you will have a source of strength to draw on all day long. Psychologists say it takes up to three weeks to become familiar with a new habit, and another three before it takes root. That means you need to get beyond the six-week barrier. So do these: (1) Make a strong resolution. If you begin half-heartedly, you will never succeed. The Bible says, “Encourage one another daily” (Hebrews 3:13 NIV). If it helps, become accountable to someone. Ask them to encourage you and remind you of the promise you made to God. (2) Never allow an exception. A habit is like a ball of twine: every time you drop it, some of the strands unwind. So don’t allow “just this once” thinking to creep in. Every act of yielding weakens your will and causes you to lose ground. (3) Use every opportunity to practice your new habit. Whenever you get the slightest urge to read your Bible and pray, do it. Don’t wait; use that moment to reinforce it. It doesn’t hurt to overdo a new habit when you’re first starting. (4) Rely on the power of God. You’re in a spiritual battle, and you can only succeed with God’s help. Depend on Him to aid you in developing the habit for His glory. Write down the following words, sign your name at the bottom, and keep them before you constantly: “Lord, I commit myself to beginning each day with You no matter what the cost. And I’m depending on You to help me be consistent.” That’s a prayer He is sure to answer.

The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024

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