
How to live wisely and well

Thursday November 17, 2022
Bob Gass
1 min read

“Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old.” Job 12:12 NLT

An elderly lady said, “One benefit of living so long is sharing what I’ve learned. So make my day by letting me share three secrets that can make your life better.” Then she offered us some great counsel: “(1) Time is precious; don’t waste it. After my husband died, I was staying with friends. One evening they started arguing and eventually stopped speaking to one another. Now, I know arguments happen; my husband and I had several doozies. But at that moment, I understood as never before that the time we have together is precious. Don’t waste it bickering about things that won’t matter when your loved one is gone. Do everything you can to live in harmony and show your love. Why? Because no matter how long you have together, it’s never enough. (2) You’re making memories; make them good ones. Looking back, I thank God for so many unforgettable moments. The day my husband died, we kissed (as we always did when we parted) at noon. By five-thirty that evening, he was dead. I’ve always been glad about that final kiss. So create memories—not regrets! (3) It’s not what happens, but how you respond that counts. Every day holds new challenges that will test your love and resolve. You have the power through Christ to make each test an occasion for growth. Life is full of seemingly unpleasant events. Try to handle them in such a way that when you’re old, you will be able to look back and say, ‘I thank you, God, for that experience; it helped me grow.’” And that’s how to live wisely and well!

The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024

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