
Speak words that promote wholeness 

Thursday May 12, 2022
Bob Gass
1 min read

“You have been trapped by what you said.” Proverbs 6:2 NIV 

Stormie Omartian wrote, “Early in my walk with the Lord I spoke many negatives…‘I’m a failure,’ ‘I’m ugly,’ ‘Nothing ever goes right,’ ‘Nobody cares about me,’…[Then] the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart…‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue’ (Proverbs 18:21 NKJV). I had been speaking words of death, not life. One clear example had to do with my speech problems. I’d had them since childhood and was teased about them all through school…[When] I was old enough to afford professional help, I worked with a speech therapist…I practiced day after day, year after year, to gain…little improvement…I still lost my voice…halfway through each [speaking] engagement…‘I’ll never be able to speak right,’ I cried…But as I spoke those words…the Lord [said]: ‘You’re bringing death to your situation because you’re not speaking the truth…Do not speak what you think…or what seems to be truth…speak what you know to be the truth of my Word…‘The stammering tongue will be fluent and clear’ (Isaiah 32:4 NIV)…‘I have put My words in your mouth’ (Isaiah 51:16 NKJV)…Soon after, when I was asked to speak at a…women’s meeting, I took my fears…to [God]…and…spoke [His] truth instead of voicing my own negative opinions.…My talk went so well…an entire speaking ministry opened up…The Bible says, ‘You are snared by the words of your mouth’ (Proverbs 6:2 NKJV). That includes [your self-talk]…Wipe [out] words of hopelessness, doubt, and negativity from your vocabulary. [They] may seem harmless…but [they] affect your body and soul…Speak words that reflect the wholeness you desire.”

The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024

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