
Overcoming rejection 

Tuesday March 1, 2022
Bob Gass
1 min read

“Think how much the Father loves us.” 1 John 3:1 CEV 

When you struggle with a sense of rejection, it will manifest itself in things like these: (1) Perfectionism. But it doesn’t work, because other people’s needs and expectations vary so much that it’s impossible to make everybody happy. (2) Settling for less. You put up with neglect and abuse because you think it’s what you deserve. Or you’re concerned this may be your only chance at “love.” (3) Becoming aggressive. Rejection can feel like you’re being attacked when you’re not, so you put on your boxing gloves and come out swinging. (4) Putting up a tough front. You tell yourself, “I can handle it…Who needs other people anyway?” As a result, you shut yourself off from others and your physical, spiritual, and emotional needs go unmet and you feel lonely. (5) Vowing never again to let anyone get close enough to hurt you. That sounds good in theory, but by closing people out, you close yourself in and all your relationships suffer. (6) Attracting the wrong people. As long as you behave with a diminished sense of self-worth, you will keep attracting the wrong people. The truth is, when your self-worth is based on any opinion other than God’s, you will always be vulnerable to rejection. Criticism will diminish you, failing will keep you from trying again, and what’s worse, you will never discover the unique and wonderful person God made you to be. So what’s the answer? John tells us, “Think how much the Father loves us. He loves us so much that he lets us be called his children, as we truly are” (v. 1 CEV). Overcoming rejection starts with understanding and accepting how much God loves and values us.

The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024

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