God’s remedy for depression (1)
Take care of your physical needs. Elijah was exhausted, so he stretched out under a tree and fell asleep. “All at once an angel...
Read moreTell God your frustrations. After being restored through proper food and rest, Elijah travelled for forty days. Then he went into a cave and spent the night. In the morning, the Lord asked him, “Why are you here?” Elijah answered, “I’ve always done my best to obey you. But your people have broken their solemn promise to you. They have torn down your altars and killed all your prophets, except me. And now they are even trying to kill me!” (v. 10 CEV). Elijah poured out all his feelings, and God allowed him to let off steam. He wasn’t shocked by Elijah’s complaints. Sometimes it’s helpful to share your feelings with a trusted friend or counsellor. It’s cathartic, a cleaning out, a venting of all the things that have been pushed down inside you that are contributing to your feelings of depression. And Elijah had plenty of stuff pushed down inside. Notice the emotions he experienced. He was afraid (v. 3 CEV). Then he felt resentment, followed by low self-esteem and guilt. “I’ve had enough…I’m no better off than my ancestors” (v. 4 CEV). He was angry because he had worked hard for nothing (see v. 10). He was lonely to the point of despair: “Now they are even trying to kill me!” (v. 10 CEV). He was worried. When you combine fear, resentment, low self-esteem, guilt, anger, loneliness, and worry, it can open the door to depression. So God let him spill it all out. He said, “Elijah, what’s frustrating you? What’s eating you up?” and Elijah poured it all out. So when you are depressed, what you need to do is take it to God in prayer and seek professional help..
The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024
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