Be One Of The 10 Percent
One day Jesus healed ten men of leprosy, which at the time was a death sentence because there was no known cure for it...
Read moreBefore you discover your God-given purpose in life, you’ll often experience a series of adversities that cause you to relinquish what’s temporal and grasp what’s eternal. For Paul, it meant the loss of every earthly possession. For others, it can mean the heat of battle in a divorce court. When the person you thought was “everything” walks away, suddenly you’re stripped down to what you had before. Look at Job; his home was a shambles, his marriage seemed a joke, and his children were dead. That’s when he discovered you can be stripped of the temporal but not the eternal; stripped of your wealth, friends, and fame, but not of your character and your faith in God—those things survive the strippings of life. The Bible says, “Then Job…fell down upon the ground, and worshipped” (Job 1:20). True worship is born in the fire of sacrifice. When you can lay upon the altar something you thought you had to have because you realize it was God’s all along—that’s worship. Look at Abraham’s altar. God didn’t want the slain body of Isaac; He wanted to know if there was anything Abraham loved more than Him. That’s it—reaching the place where you can pray, “Lord, here are my grudges and unforgiveness, my need to impress, my time, talent and treasure, anything I’m wrapped up in that hinders me from being completely Yours. You’ll never have to take these things from me, for I gladly give You all it takes to be what You want me to be.” Can you pray that prayer today? It’s not easy, but it will change your life.
The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024
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