
Ask, “Is there a better way?”

Wednesday July 24, 2019
Bob Gass
1 min read

“The Lord will command the blessing on…all to which you set your hand.” Deuteronomy 28:8 NKJV

Almost anybody can spot the problem, discuss the problem, and complain about the problem. But a solution-oriented person looks for ways to solve the problem. Murray Spangler was such a person. As a department store janitor, he decided that the only way to overcome the boredom of his job, which consisted of sweeping floors, was to find a more innovative way to do it. Plus, he had the added incentive of being allergic to the dust he was sweeping every day. Then a thought came to him: “Instead of sweeping up the dust, maybe there is a way to suck it up.” Where do such creative thoughts come from? God, our Creator. And since you are His offspring, He will share His ideas with you. Spangler’s questions led him to invent a crude but workable vacuum cleaner. He then sought out an old friend in the leather business to finance the manufacturing of his invention. The man’s name was H.W. Hoover. Not only did Hoover vacuum cleaners become very popular, but “hoovering” became for at least one generation synonymous with sweeping floors. Built into every obstacle is an opportunity; every question, an answer; every problem, a solution. So don’t be afraid to question methods, systems, and equipment and ask, “Is there a better way?” The world has been enriched by people who dared to ask that question. And you can be such a person, for God promises to bless “all to which you set your hand.”

The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024

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