
Why Music Matters In Our Lives

New Christian Music Hope on Demand
Friday October 18, 2024
UCB Radio Blogger
4 min read




Music is all around us and speaks to our souls every day. Whether you turn on the radio in your car, or the stereo at home you hear the music, voices and energy in song that makes you vibrate with emotions — depending on the memory associated with it. Plus, advances in technology allows us to access music 24/7 on demand through our cell phones, tablets and desktop computers. With all of this music surrounding us, lets search for the importance it plays in our lives today.


Music Has Memories

Have you ever made a mixed-tape or created a playlist on your iPod? ? We spend hours choosing and creating the “perfect” mix of songs that speak to the vibe we’re searching for. To this day, when I hear a song — any song — it brings back memories. I remember where I was when I heard that song and a flood gate of feelings and emotions fill me up. Music is a gateway to the past and an avenue to the future filled with positivity and hope.

“Music has been an integral part of the human experience as long as humanity has been around.”


Music Has Energy

Music makes us move! Whether you have rhythm or not, you can’t deny the fact that a quick beat of the drums and an upbeat tempo makes us want to dance. What makes music do this to us? Well, music has seven essential musical elements that all work harmoniously together to make this happen:


SOUND: Produced by instruments, sound is any tone with characteristics such as controlled pitch and timbre.

RHYTHM: Rhythm in music is the placement of sounds in time to create a flow.

TEMPO: Tempo is the speed or the pace of a piece of music. Fast tempo lends itself to an upbeat song, whereas a slower tempo speaks to a more subdued and thoughtful song.

DYNAMICS: Dynamics means how quietly or loudly a piece of music should be played. It’s an important way of conveying the mood of a piece of music.

MELODY: Melody is a collection of musical tones that are grouped together as a single entity.

HARMONY: Harmony in music is the sound of two or more notes heard at the same time that complement and support a main melody and add depth to any musical piece.

TEXTURE: Texture in music refers to the effect of the different layers of sound in a piece of music, and the relationship between them.

All seven elements come together to create the amazing emotive magic we call music. Whether you’re into a soft ballad or a lively tune, music has a way of making us want to dance, groove, and move to the rhythm. It connects us, sparks emotions, and gets our bodies moving in ways that feel completely natural.



Music Connects People

Music has an amazing ability to bring people together, no matter their backgrounds. Dwayne, a former music pastor who now works at UCB, shared an inspiring story from his time in Sri Lanka where he connected with Tamil communities. Even though they couldn’t communicate verbally, as soon as he played a popular song they knew, they started dancing! It was a joyous miracle to see. Dwayne believes that “music is a language all nations understand... it connects us to people.”

While he notes that music has sometimes been a divisive topic in the church history, Dwayne used it to create unity in his work. Through shared songs and jam sessions, he’s helped people express their stories and feelings, proving that music can break down barriers and build real connections. It’s amazing how something so universal can make us feel like we’re on a shared journey of faith!

Healing Properties of Music

Music has an amazing way of healing us, doesn’t it? It offers comfort and connection when we need it most. Whether it’s a soothing melody that calms our nerves or an upbeat song that lifts our spirits, music speaks to us in ways words often can’t. In therapy, it helps reduce anxiety, boost our mood, and allows us to express feelings we might struggle to put into words. It’s like a universal hug that reminds us we’re not alone, empowering us to heal and find our way forward.


"Music can have healing properties...listening to music activates more parts of the brain than just about any other human activity.”


The Johns Hopkins Center for Music and Medicine is one of the first of its kind using musical therapy to help those with Parkinson’s Disease. They’re tailoring music for the purposes of therapy to learn more how music affects the brain. Learn more about this enlightening research study by watching this video:



We all know that music makes us “feel”. So, to take a scientific spin on the subject, The Johns Hopkins Center for Music and Medicine says that “Songs associated with strong memories can activate the pleasure center of the brain. Relaxing music can lower the production of cortisol, which lowers stress and in turn lowers elevated heart rates and blood pressure.” Pretty cool isn’t it?

Music is a powerful force that unites us through shared emotions and experiences. It offers healing benefits that support both mental and physical health. No matter our backgrounds or beliefs, music is a language we all understand. It reflects our joys and struggles, often serving as a beacon of hope and healing. By embracing its ability to inspire and uplift, we can build a sense of community in our shared journey through life. So let’s turn up that radio and celebrate the power of music and the joy it brings as we immerse ourselves in its beats and melodies!







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