
Conversation Checklist

Family & Parenting
Monday September 16, 2024
Patti Reed
2 min read


How is it possible to continue building a culture of safety and trust with your teen and young adult? I know, I know, they think we don’t know anything, and they have all the answers. How do we breakthrough the “know-it-all” phase and keep cultivating an environment of security and openness to strengthen the bond with them. I believe the answer lies in asking great questions and deciding in your heart to be a great listener. It’s a choice! 


Here is a checklist to become curious about your own heart and questions to consider about trust, non-verbal cues, authenticity, and humility as you seek to stay connected to your child. 




  • What steps am I taking to develop trust with my child? 
  • How has your child been open and honest with you about what is going on in their heart and life?
  • How do I plan intentional time for one-on-one conversation? Phones away, no agenda, and no judgement? 
  • In what areas do I need to adjust to build openness and trust for the health of the relationship?


Non-verbal cues: 


  • What does my body language say about me in conversation? 
  • What would your child say about your facial expressions?                                                                                                                                                                                 
  • How attentive are my eyes and ears in watching, listening, and focusing on my child when we are talking? 
  • What needs to change?




  • How open have I been about my own struggles and challenges in life?
  • How have I had the opportunity to talk with my child about ways I have overcome in certain areas of my life?
  • Would your child say you were an authentic mom or dad? 
  • Is your child able to share openly and candidly about areas in their life that you may not agree with?




  • How often do I ask for forgiveness?
  • What is the Holy Spirit saying to me about my past hurts and how they might be impacting my relationships with my child? 
  • What is one thing I can do today to change the course of the relationship with my child?
  • What needs to change in me?


If any of this or all of this has struck a chord, I would encourage you to sit with God about it. Let Him lead and guide you through these questions for the benefit of you and your child. 


I realize this may be difficult, but it is possible with the gentle guidance and comfort of the Holy Spirit. Remember, God is for you. He is the author of the family and our relationships. When we lean on Him for wisdom, insight, guidance, and support with our kids He always shows up – right on time! Would you lean on Him today and move toward new possibilities in your relationship with your young adult? 


What is one area the Holy Spirit put His finger on today after reading this blog? 


For more info or other encouraging blogs, you can connect with Patti @ www.pattireed.net or join her weekly email list here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/90w3aHN














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