
Counting our Blessings

Health & Wellness Faith
Thursday July 25, 2024
UCB Radio Blogger
4 min read


Counting our blessings in a society where instant gratification leaves us feeling "less than" requires a little effort. Take time to reflect and be grateful for the blessings we have in life by living in the present moment - in the "here and now". We live in a society of instant gratification where whatever we want is easily within reach. If we want it - we order it. All it takes is a simple click and we can have it delivered directly to our homes without even lifting a finger. We see what our friends and neighbours do and have and we want to keep up with the “Jones’ ”. If we’re unable to do so we start feeling the “lack” and we begin to lose appreciation for the blessings that we already have in our lives. Is the grass that much greener on the other side of the fence? Let's take a moment to reflect on this.


Time For Reflection

Let’s start by looking inward. While on vacation I had time to reflect on my life and what it means to me. I start with what I‘m not fully satisfied with in my life and work my way up from there. I make a mental list of all of the things that don’t fulfill me from both an emotional as well as a physical perspective. If you want to have a reminder of this reflection for the future simply jot down your thoughts on a note pad so that you can refer to it anytime you like.


“This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 NKJV


Once you’ve written down all that doesn’t suit your life presently - whether that’s something small like changing up the curtains in the kitchen or larger like job dissatisfaction - start jotting down all that does bring joy to your life. Take time to reflect on this and you’ll be surprised at how much this side of the list begins to grow and outweigh the negative side of the list!


Live In The “Here and Now”

My husband has a tendency to look ahead to the future to find happiness. “One day we’ll have this or that....One day we’ll do this or that” sort of thing. I sometimes fall into this trap as well, but in the opposite sense. I tend to look backwards to find comfort in “what was” - the “good old days”.  The problem I’m finding is that, by thinking this way, it has the potential to take away from the amount of joy and contentment that I can be receiving today.


How Do We Appreciate What We Have Today?

We only have a short time on this earth and we must be present and live in the “here and now”. I read a passage from the March - May 2024 issue of The Word For You Today magazine that speaks to this nicely. Written by Bob and Debby Gass, the passage explains what it truly means to be present in the moment.

"God wants us to appreciate the season we are in; to live in the “here and now.” Some people live only for the future. “I’ll be happy when...” Other people live in the past…Live in the here and now…The New Yorker magazine once had a cartoon in which two monks in robes and shaved heads were sitting side by side, cross legged on the floor. The younger one, with a quizzical look on his face, is facing the older one, who is saying: “Nothing happens next. This is it.” That’s exactly what it means to live in the here and now. We aren’t waiting for something else to occur, we aren’t distracted by anything around us, we aren’t trying to escape mentally to another time. We are fully alive because we are living in the moment! God may have done great things for you in the past, and you’re trusting Him to do great things in the future, but His presence, His power, His goodness, His favour, His blessing, and all the He is, can only be experienced in the here and now…“This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Live in the “here and now.””


Make Small Positive Changes In Your Life

Now that you’ve compiled a list of all that fills your heart with both dissatisfaction and happiness, it’s time for change. Make the effort to remove all that makes you feel “less” in your life and do more of what brings you joy in your life - today! Spend more time with those who fill your cup with happiness, love and support. Build a stronger connection with God as “He will never stop helping a follower of His who is sincerely seeking to grow.” (The Word For You Today - March - May 2024, page 32) Small sustainable changes will, over time, add up to bigger life rewards that will enrich your life daily.


Transforming Our Lives Together

In the rush of daily life, amidst its challenges and demands, taking a moment to count our blessings can be transformative. It’s in these quiet reflections that we realize how much we have to be grateful for—perhaps in the warmth of a shared smile, the comfort of a safe home, or the support of loved ones. Gratitude isn’t just a fleeting emotion; it’s a practice that enriches our lives and reminds us of the abundance around us. So, let’s cherish these blessings, both big and small, and carry their light with us as we navigate through life together. 


Inspired by: The Word For You Today




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