
Why It's Hard to Change

Personal Development
Wednesday June 21, 2023
Julia Van Huizen
1 min read

At some point in our lives, many of us get discontent. We want a new job. A different direction. We want to get healthy, write a book, or start a podcast… but we can’t seem to pull the trigger.

If you’ve ever found yourself in the same rut, repeatedly, it might help you to become aware of the “Change Cycle” our brain often spins through when we’re contemplating change:

Discontent – This is the stage when you feel discontent in an area of life. Some people tolerate the discontent for a while, or they repress it because of its discomfort, but it usually builds.

Breaking Point – This is the point where you’ve had “enough.” Sometimes, you’ve just grown too tired, or there is some sort of event that happens, triggering you into the next stage.

Decision – This is where you say, “I’m ready for a change,” and make a first step to make the change.

Fear – …but then fear creeps in. You doubt your decision. You feel discomfort about the change.

Amnesia – After fear sets in, your original situation seems much more palatable than it was. It’s comfortable; it’s what you know; it’s who you are.

Backtracking—You talk yourself out of the decision, rationalize, and stick with what you are used to instead of changing.

Do you relate to this cycle? Isn’t the brain amazing? It’s always looking for comfort, and so “forgets” how your current situation is causing you so much grief!

Even just becoming aware of this “Change Cycle” can be helpful. You can notice when you’re backtracking and pay attention to when you’re giving in to fear and discomfort.

And then you can decide. Do you want to keep living with the status quo? Be honest.

Whenever we make a change, fear will be our companion. But thankfully, we have a God who is “with us.” Who promises to “never leave us nor forsake us” (Deuteronomy 31:8); a God who plans to give us “hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Change is hard, but… what is on the other side of change may be worth the effort!

~ ~ ~

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)


Source: Transformation Academy



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