Be Willing To Look Foolish
Fear of Looking Foolish in Public?I do. I’m working on it though. It all started in public school when we had to write speeches...
Read moreI used to be an “I can’t” person. I never quite felt like I had the internal “stuffing” to accomplish things. Despite having a ton of evidence to the contrary, I still often felt incapable every time I faced a new challenge or obstacle.
When I was in school, every time a new “grade level” started, I doubted whether I could pass the classes.
But I always did.
Later, whenever I’d begin a new job, I’d be afraid I wouldn’t be able to “deliver.”
But I always did.
It’s funny, that despite all the evidence showing me otherwise, I still thought I was incapable.
Perhaps it was a self-esteem problem. Or maybe I never quite got affirmed in myself. Or maybe it’s because I felt a strong need to perform growing up. Whatever the reason, for many years, I often “bowed down” to other people’s expertise or opinions to figure things out, rather than my own.
But lately, I’ve learned “I CAN do it.” I CAN figure things out. I DO have what it takes. Part of this change was finally getting tired of my “I can’t’s.” I was tired of feeling unconfident. Tired of relying on others.
And so, I began to catch myself. Whenever, I felt myself “hesitating” in taking care of something in the house—waiting for my husband to do something for me—I tried taking care of it myself first. Whenever I didn’t know how to do something at work, I’d Google or YouTube things myself, before asking a colleague. And sometimes I figured it out. And sometimes I didn’t. But in either case I felt a lot better about myself. More empowered. More capable. Strong.
I learned I CAN do it.
But it takes having a growth mindset. Recognizing that your skills are not “fixed in stone,” but that with practice and effort, you CAN learn, and therefore grow.
And so, I’ve had to add a simple word to my vocabulary.
“I can’t figure this out (yet).” “I can’t do this (yet).” And that little difference in word has changed my approach: from a fear of failure to an attitude of learning.
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