
From Hockey to Heroin to Hope

Health & Wellness Hope
Tuesday July 13, 2021
Julia Van Huizen
2 min read

From Hockey to Heroin to Hope

My name is Brady Leavold. I am a former professional hockey player who has been battling addiction for 10 years. I’m currently incarcerated—somewhere I never could have imaged myself in a million years. I spent the better part of 2 years behind bars in my home province of BC, but upon release I moved to be with my girlfriend, who moved to Ontario just prior to my arrest. I now find myself in a foreign province with no family and support and behind bars yet again. Addiction is the reason I’ve ended up here.

This time I decided I needed to make a change. I know I needed to do something but had no idea where to start or what to do. Then the Chaplain at the prison came around with a cart full of books, and the original reason I approached him was to get an address book and suduko puzzles. Approaching the cart I hadn’t even considered taking anything else, but once I spoke to him, a feeling came over me—almost as if someone else took control of me—just long enough to ask, for the first time in my life, for a Bible. I then read the whole book of Matthew. The next morning I woke up early and read The Word For You Today and started on the book of Proverbs. That was a month ago, and since then I start every morning that some way, except now of course I’m through a lot more of the Bible! I’m also doing a Bible study, I meet with the Chaplain once a week, I attend in-custody church, I pray throughout the day, and most importantly, I invited Jesus into my life. I can’t explain what has happened. It’s truly amazing. I feel like a new man.

I wanted to extend my gratitude to everyone who makes The Word For You Today. Without having that each morning, my faith would not be where it is today. I look forward to waking up each morning to read what the day’s reading is. Thank you so much! I have filled out the form so my girlfriend can receive the same blessing as me. Please say a prayer for them and for the kids. I have nothing to offer financially at this time—I don’t even have a cent to my name—but I am so grateful for all of you. Thank you so much!


Brady Leavold

P.S. Brady Leavold is now out of jail and has started an organization called “Puck Support,” which strives to help those affected by mental health and addiction in the hockey world.

P.P.S. Reading The Word For You Today was an important part of Brady’s turnaround. If you can give an extra summer gift, or become a monthly supporter, you could help many others like Brady come to know Jesus and turn their life around! You can give a gift today at ucbcanada.com/donate.



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