
How to Figure Out What Type of Legacy You Want to Leave on This World

Faith Career & Business Finances Personal Development
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Julia Van Huizen
2 min read

Another day has gone by. And I still haven’t worked on my book.

For several years now, I’ve been wanting to write a book. I’ve read books on how to write a book. I’ve dreamed about holing up in a cottage for a week, happily typing away. I’ve even had a few spurts and starts, but most of the time, I keep thinking “One day.” One day when I have more time. One day when I’m not so busy. One day when the kids are older.

The problem is that “One day” always seems to be one more day away!

It’s funny, but for the first part of our lives we spend a lot of time planning for the future. We study a profession, we plan a wedding, we look forward to kids and buying a home and contributing to society. But somewhere in between sitting in 9-5 traffic, changing another dirty diaper and chauffeuring our child to 6 am hockey games, we often lose our vision for the future. Instead of creating a life with intention and thoughtfulness, we feel lucky if we can finally kiss our kids goodnight and a find a few precious moments to watch some Netflix.

And here’s the thing: every minute we spend on this earth is a precious moment. But many of us forget that. Because we’re surviving, not thriving. The truth is, thinking about the future is difficult when we’re just trying to get through the day.

But there’s only so many precious moments in this life. And as I hit my mid-forties, I’ve come to realize the ever-diminishing time I have left to leave my mark on this world, invest in the people and causes I care about, and finally write that book!

In a word, I want to leave a “legacy.” And maybe you do too.

But what KIND of legacy do you want to leave? Maybe you don’t really know anymore. Lisa Haisha, in her article “What Kind of Legacy Are You Leaving the World?” shares three questions she often asks herself to help her find out what truly matters to her:

1) If I could snap my fingers and acquire an experience or talent, it would be _____ because _______.

2) Twenty-five years after my death, what, if anything, will those beyond my family remember me for?

3) If I had to give everything I own to a cause (not a person), what would that cause be?

These may be simple questions, but they can help you dig down deep to reignite purpose and set your life back onto an intentional path. Because, I don’t know about you, but I no longer want to go through my life in a daze, but rather, ensure that I’m intentionally leaving this world a better place even years after I’m gone.

You can help ensure future generations receive ongoing hope and encouragement. By giving an end-of-life financial gift to UCB Canada’s Legacy-Giving program, you can feel good knowing that people will continue to receive support through UCB even after you’re gone! Learn how you can leave a gift in your Will by signing up for a confidential and complimentary estate plan service with Advisors with Purpose.

By Julia Van Huizen
UCB Canada Marketing and Communications Coordinator



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