
Overcoming Challenges Together

Community Posts
Wednesday February 10, 2021
Dwayne Jamieson
2 min read


Overwhelmed by years of abuse, anger, depression, and hopelessness in her formative years, Jenn finally felt a glimmer of hope poke through her tears as the Pastor spoke of The WrapAround Program at NeighbourLink Chatham-Kent. Jenn took the very first step that would change her life forevermore as she spoke to the Pastor about receiving the help she and her 3 children so desperately needed. Her adult years were plagued with overwhelming feelings of worthlessness because her mother lived with a serious drug addiction and in a home that was completely disordered. After being told repeatedly that she would never amount to anything, Jenn started to believe it and turned to drugs and alcohol to escape her unloved reality.

With very few life skills and a defeated mindset, Jenn’s life filled with depression and displays of anger that spilled over onto her children and boyfriend at the time. Jenn welcomed the WrapAround team into her life to not only change her life for the better but her entire family’s. She worked with her team for 2 successful years and quickly accomplished her goals of attaining emotional and financial stability.

One of Jenn’s WrapAround Team members’ shares that as Jenn heard, “You are a good mom to your children, you can do this, you are worthy”, Jenn’s countenance would shine brighter, and she started to believe in the positive words people were saying to her. The exact opposite of how she grew up! With the encouragement of her WrapAround Team, Jenn enrolled in college and became an ECE Worker, receiving 2 job offers. Today, Jenn says, “My life now – I love it – I really enjoy every day!” a vastly different story from where she started.

In days gone by, families were part of meaningful communities. The extended family, neighbours, and fellow church members would “wrap around” the family. Today, NeighbourLink CK’s WrapAround Program follows the same path. They will provide you with a team that comes alongside you and encourages you to live your heart’s desires by connecting you to community resources teaching you life skills, such as cooking, cleaning, managing finances, and providing you with volunteers to help fix things around your home. WrapAround is a program led by trained facilitators that give people the tools to help someone that they care about. The facilitators unite individuals into a team so that their good intentions can come together into a critical mass. The person being “wrapped around” is thus empowered to achieve a better life as exemplified by Jenn.

NeighbourLink Chatham-Kent is a non-profit organization represented by a network of churches partnered together to provide practical help to those in need by linking them to supportive volunteers or existing services. In addition to the WrapAround Program, NeighbourLink offers the following services:

Food Support, Shopping, Delivery, and Distribution


Friendly Visits (on hold due to Covid-19)

Phone Buddy Program

Around the Home - Yard Work and Small Home Repairs

Life Skills Training: CAP Money Course

You can support NeighbourLink CK by donating today, sharing this story on social media, and/or call NeighbourLink at 519-352-5647 to connect with someone in need.




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