Give Monthly

Why Give Monthly
Everyday people in our communities struggle with the challenges of life. They feel alone and discouraged from a world that fuels negativity. But you can change that!
It takes a village, a community of people to work together to bring transformation. Your monthly investment will help fund positive, uplifting Christian Radio, The Word For You Today daily encouragement booklet, On Demand Christian podcasts, Prayerline and so much more. You will be the fuel God uses to share Hope.
When you invest in bringing Hope to our nation with a monthly donation you join an incredible group of people - people committed to sharing the message of Jesus. You, together with all the Hope Team are building a solid foundation of support we can count on each month.
How it Works
Your Gift
Your monthly gift, once set up, will come directly from your credit card or bank account automatically.
Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by the organization. Should a donor choose to restrict a contribution for use in a particular program or project, we will honour that restriction, with the understanding that, when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed. Gifts are acknowledged and receipted with an official receipt for income tax purposes.